Friday, February 14, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Alarm Clock (Turning it off and going back to sleep unconsciously)

Hi Guys

I've been trying to get lucid dreams since some time

Mostly i was too lazy to try stuff like dream signs etc.

Recently i've readed more about W.I.L.D method and tried it

Thought main problem is alarm clock not waking me up

Hopefully you'd be able to help me somehow

I'd be really grateful

I'm setting up alarm clock to wake me after 2 - 4 hours.

Thought at the morning when i check phone, alarm is turned off

Weird thing is that i don't remember turning it off

It's like i'm unconsciously turning alarm off

When i get waken up by it and go back to the sleep

Any tips / suggestions would be really awesome

I've been trying alarm clock method since 6 days and it's been fail due to this

- Thanks for your time spend reading my thread

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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