Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Negativity will drag you down

Rourke: This post was originally published HERE back in 2011. It still holds true today.


This world is unbelievably negative. Most people around me – home, work, friends – seem to relish in the demise of others and spew out a constant stream of negative comments. I think “gossip” taking over English as the most common language here in the States. What I often hear is “Guess what so and so did today.” and “You won’t believe who did what and with whom.” It is pretty ridiculous.

I rarely watch the news – especially the local news. No surprise – the news typically is full of nothing but bad news talking about who killed who and what politician got caught with a prostitute as well as a daily dose robbers, rapes and burglaries. Honestly – I am just not interested in negative news.

A few years ago as part of my job I attended some seminars which was related to relationships between people. It is a fact that if you are exposed to negativity – it will have a negative impact on you and can effect your outlook and demeanor. Now if you are exposed to positive images, news, and experiences – it will likely have a positive impact on you.

Something else I have learned and try my best at is choosing my own attitude. In Seattle Washington there is a fish market and the workers there seem so happy. Now – these guys are surrounded by wet, stinky smelly fish all day long – yet they appear to be perfectly happy. They choose to confront their situation positively. There are many days that my job just flat out sucks and I spend quite a bit of time stressed out and frustrated. With that in mind – I walk through my door at home and never say anything about it. I do not walk in kicking the wife and slapping the dog. If I am asked how my day went – I will answer brightly “Better than I deserve!” . My positive response will have a positive impact on my family. If someone cares about you and then you let of a rage-filled 5 minute rant about how crappy your life is –  they themselves will likely become depressed and unhappy.

I wish more people thought about how their negative comments and statements effect others. The world might be a better place to live.

By the way – I am having a great day today!!!!! You?





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