Monday, September 28, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Random lucid experience a few days ago, bringing me back into practising LDing

Hello everyone!

I feel that this kind of post is quite common on the forums, although I wouldn't know as, like you might have guessed, I kind of gave up lucid dreaming once again a few months ago after getting amazing recall in my dream journal but despite the amazing recall, getting no lucids. Before anyone says that I was expecting too much from too little, I started practising lucid dreaming back in March 2014 and had went for long periods of time practising with a few breaks here and there, but still to this day, I've had no lucid dreams as a result of DILD/WILD.

Anyway, the other day, I was at my dad's house for the weekend with my brother, and on Sunday night, I finally had a random DILD (at least I think it was a DILD) as well as what I think were a few tiny DEILDs as a result of me waking up due to my dad watching TV and waking me up a few times in the early morning.

The DILD was very short and I can barely remember anything in it, obviously because of me having given up a few months ago and stopped keeping my dream journal going, but I know it went along the lines of me approaching a building and having a thought while standing in front of it of 'Hmm...this doesn't seem right...' and then immediately after that it was as though my subconscious wanted me to realise it was a dream because I started thinking 'Wait...this is a dream and there's absolutely no other explanation for it!' because in a lot of my other non-lucids in my practising before I took a break, I tended to recall from the dream that my dream-self thought some things were odd in the dream (e.g. me buying cigarettes) but I never put my finger on it. This time, however, it was like my subconscious wanted me to affirm it was a dream as soon as possible to avoid letting another lucid chance slip away from me.

Anyway, I'm not really sure where I was going with this post other than me just wanting to tell someone about my dream experiences. I'm just hoping that this now means once I get my journal back up and running, I'll be more on the ball in my unconscious dreaming state that I can actually notice the odd/out of place qualities of my dreams unlike before, and thus actually have regular lucids. I'm not expecting much, but I'd like to have some kind of lucid dream that isn't just because I got woken up by something in the night and was luckily able to DEILD and is as a result of me putting effort into having them.

If anyone has managed to read through all of that, thank you so much! :D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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