Monday, September 14, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 15th, 2015


Are you a Patriot?

I believe I am. I firmly believe I am. But what is Patriot? I guess there are different perspectives. I don’t have a single definition to express my feelings and thoughts on being a Patriot. Love of country? Yes. That is certainly part of it.

Here is something I wrote up on Instagram. I think it pretty much sums it up although more could certainly be added…….


The American Patriot…..


We believe in the Constitution. We respect what the Founding Fathers started and the sacrifices they made. We believe this country is great and has stood for freedom and independence for years.

We believe that evil….evil men….have gained power and created generations of dependant sheeple who haven’t a clue as to what is really going on.

We believe that fundemental change is NOT what this country has needed….we were great to start with.

We believe in smaller government and bigger freedom and choices for all.

We believe that common sense should prevail within a government of representatives of the people rather than special interests and self preservation ruling the day.

We believe in LEGAL immigration and a controlled border. We believe that we need to take care of ourselves here at home first AND then, only then….provide aid to our neighbors around the world.

Lastly….we believe that if you $%@& with THESE United States of America we will unleash a wrath of such violence and destruction that just the thought of challenging the United States will cause chills to travel down spines around the world.


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