Saturday, September 19, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Is my sub conscious trying trying to help me get lucid?

So i'm curious if my sub conscious could be trying to help me get lucid, and if so how i can encourage it to do it more often, and what I mean is not like doing something during waking life just travels over to my dreaming life merely and shows up in my dreams (like RC's), but that my sub conscious is trying to tip me off purposefully as i'm dreaming by changing things.

1. for instance I was working on something in the yard the other day and built this thing right... well a few nights later i have a dream about what I had just built except for all my work was completely gone! In the dream i started getting so mad.... and then all of a sudden i realized that, that couldn't be possible and i became lucid.

2. one time i was talking to a few people in a plaza outside in a city... when this woman walked by me and as she was passing she almost winked and this bright light came out of her eye, and it immediatly felt as if my SC was trying to key me in that i was dreaming.

3. one last example was i did wbtb.... and when i started dreaming i dreamnt i was in the room next to me (my brothers) and i instantly knew this was a dream and became Lucid.

I guess my question is because i don't remember these types of weird annomalies happening before i started lucid dreaming (cause i'v always had good dream recall). I understand that things are often out of place in dreams in general but this feels very different.

So if it is true that my sub councious is trying to help me get lucid how do i encourage myself to keep creating these scenarios which makes me question of if i'm dreaming?

Like the other night i actually heard my non lucid dream character think in his mind "your dreaming...." and all of a sudden my conscious mind heard it and immediatly became lucid.

I'v had plenty of times where I DILD'd and i noticed an anomoly and I became lucid but it didn't feel like my sub concious was purposefully trying to key me in to the fact that i was in a dream... sorry i don't know if this is making sense... i'm guessings this has something to do with dream signs? i don't fully understand them yet.... but if any one has any insight i would so appreciate it.... I would love to get better at my sub conscious keying my conscious mind into the fact that i'm dreaming. new to this community and am really enjoying and appreciating it. I apologize if this has already been discussed too hah... thanks an advance

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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