Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | help with simple FA to OBE

Hi, its me ... again, been here a lot lately :-)

So ive been practising ssild and its looking good. SSILD claims to produce many false awakenings and of this im sure. Several times i will find myself lying 'awake' in the early hours after ssild'ing. Now as i lay there eyes closes i am sometimes unaware if i have just woken up or if i have been lying there 'awake' for a while, i just seem to find myself lying there awake in the middle of the night.

Now im sure that some of these could very well be false awakenings. This is my problem though. Because these possible false awakenings are me lying in bed with eyes closed, i am unsure how to take advantage of them/ I have in the past simply 'got up' out of the bed and found myself in an 'obe' which i 'converted' into a lucid dream by flying like superman through the window.

What happens in most cases is as i lay there i am 'afraid' to do a reality check such as plugging the nose because i am worried that i will use my physical body and wake up for real. I sometimes try to roll out without moving the physical body but nothing happens

I guess im asking what would be the best thing to do in a possible false awakening when still laying in bed with eyes closed to minimize the risk of waking oneself up to maximizing getting an obe / lucid dream?

Thanks (again) everyone

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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