Friday, September 18, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Meddling with SSILD! :-/

Hi guys, so ive been practising SSILD 2 -3 times every night using wbtb which has produced 3 DILDS in 3 weeks so a good start. I read a recent technique called v-mild where you imaging yourself in a room / scene with someone and they tell you to do a reality check, you comply and it works, you thank the person and then you replay the scene in your head again and again until you fall asleep. Then hopefully when you dream that scenario will play out and you can become lucid from it.

Last night i imagined a similar thing as i drifted to sleep. What actually happened is that instead of that scene playing out, i did have a dream with that person in it and it was close to where i imagined the incubated scene but when she spoke to me she didnt mention reality checks so its kinda successfull in that the incubated scene happened to some degree.

Anyways i was thinking of combing SSILD with VILD. This is what i would do. At the end of each SSILD cycle i will picture a scene where this person tells me im dreaming and urges me to do a reality check, i comply and thank her. I then complete the next SSILD cycle and so on so at the end of the 4 SSILD cycles i have imagined my 'incubated' scene 4 times - i would then fall asleep as instructed in the SSILD tutorial

Now the problem :-/ In the SSILD tutorial it states to NOT mix in any other techniques with SSILD due to the fragile conditioning that SSILD produces and that it would be detrimental to SSILD success

This leads me to question how rigid we are in our approach to experimenting with mix matching techniques and trying new things

Am i wasting my time with the above method, should i strictly stick to SSILD instructions. I dont want to waste weeks on something thats not going to work and hopefully some members on this forum have had success with mixing other techniques into SSILD to contradict cosic.irons advice

Many thanks again everyone for your input

Ezzo :-)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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