Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | LD with no stabalization on purpose :-/

Hi, i had a DILD last night (i was in my frontroom and noticed something odd) As i became lucid, the scene was very realistic with a high level of clarity and my awareness was very high, in fact it was the most realistic LD ive had. On realization that i was lucid my first thought was to clarify and deepen the dream but I then thought to myself "Hey this is already really stable and clear" so i didnt bother and flew through the window out into a very realistic and clear street, i flew down the road and the dream vanished and i woke up. Throughout al of this short (15 seconds) lucid dream i was very self aware and the whole dream was very vivid.

Should I still have deepened and stabilized this lucid dream when it really felt unneeded due to the already exisiting level of clarity, was it a mistake to just continue with the lucid dream without continually grounding myself

Its only because it was so realistic that i didnt bother.

Thanks guys

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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