Thursday, September 10, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 11th, 2015


September 11th is a date that forever for most of us will bring back terrible memories. It is one of those days that people remember exactly where they were at and what they were doing. I was at work when I heard that planes had hit buildings in New York. I called my wife who was at home and she told me it was all over the TV. She said it was obviously a terrorist attack and the news was talking of another couple plans that had gone down.

I remember standing in the Quality Control lab thinking. I had questions going through my head…..

“Is this the start? Is the S getting ready to hit the fan?”

“Where else will attacks happen?”

“What will the attacks be like?”

“What if a nuclear bomb is used?


Then I thought about my family. Should I go home? Why didn’t I prepare more? Should i go and buy more food? Water? Supplies?

We all know what happened and how it turned out. Terrible tragedy.

On a personal level the event provided me a memory. A memory that for a short period of time I thought the end of the world as we know it was possibly at hand. That feeling realizing I should have done more to prepare stay with me today.

How did this day effect each of you?

Please share…..






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