Sunday, September 27, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Dream snippets?

OK, so in my attempts at WILDing, i always encounter something and im unsure exactly what I should really be doing with these little mites. What happens is as I am attempting a WILD (or a SSILD) I have these random brief (5-10 second) mini dreams. I remain concious and then i return alert and continue my mantra. a little while later and more of these short dream snippets occur.

Im definatley not lucid when viewing these and Im unsure if I should interact with them or passively observe them and treat them as 'noise' into the decent of sleep.

They are like actual real dreams and now swirly patterns and this is why i dont know if they are HI or not. Ive read that if you observe these dreamlets and let them play out then you will lose consciousness. Ive googled for dreamlets and dream snippets but not mush info

So should I just ignore these mini dreams and actively try to interact with them? Are they dreams that would completely form when REM kicks in. Thanks for all the advice as this is a piece of the puzzle that I cant nail down yet

Ezzo :-_)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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