Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Don't consider non-lucid dreams as failures

Hey there,

I've been reading people's experiences with trying to induce lucid dreams, and some of their problems. In thinking about it, I noticed a topic that I haven't seen come up too often yet and I wanted to share my experience in the hopes that it may help others who struggle with something similar.

When I'm focused on lucid dreaming, it's very easy for me to find myself in a mindset where I considering nights in which they've had a lucid dream as a success, and other nights as a 'lack of success'. I've come to believe however that this sort of thinking might well become an obstacle to lucid dreaming in itself.

Basically, I believe most things in life follow a simple rule: What we pay attention to, we become better at.

This has been my experience in the case of dreaming, certainly. The more attention I give my dreams, the more rewarding and vivid they become. I start to get more awareness in my dreams and get more lucid dreams (especially if combined with some lucid dreaming techniques). But when I become too focused on only the lucid dreams, I find myself effectively discarding any other dream as a 'non-success'. I start to pay less attention to my regular dreams, or worse, give them negative attention (I'm disappointed that they weren't lucid dreams).

The result, quite often, is a vicious circle where I find myself no longer lucid dreaming, and indeed my dream recall starts to get worse, because I'm no longer giving positive attention to my dreams. I'm hopping from technique to technique, trying various things, but nothing seems to work. This situation would usually last until I take a break (and I stop thinking about my regular dreams as 'failures', though it took me a long time to consciously figure out I was doing this).

So to people starting out and struggling, wondering why they're not seeing more results, ask yourself if your focus isn't too much on lucidity only, and not enough on your regular dreams. Perhaps it may help.

Just some food for thought,


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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