Monday, September 21, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 22nd, 2015

The mainstream media is having a field day with what Ben Carson recently said about not supporting a Muslim to run for President. I would have to say at least 90% of America would agree with him. I would not vote for a Muslim either. Does that make me prejudice? Call it what you wish. Although many Muslims are loyal to non-Muslim governments that is NOT what the Quran  teaches.

The ridiculous thing is this is a needless question that has no basis or merit to even be asked. Just a pundit trying to get a news story for the masses. Real reporting? Not even close.

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Concerned about the nuclear arms deal with Iran? Should be. It has been disclosed that Iran provided its own samples to the International Atomic Energy Agency from a site which was previously suspected of nuclear arms work.

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Question: What is the thing that you are lacking on in your preps? Something you keep forgetting about or doesn’t take precedent but something you keep meaning to get.





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