Tuesday, September 8, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 9th, 2015

I recently read a post on Facebook that a frustrated and concerned women wrote. It was posted in a Preparedness group that I am a member.

Here it is:

I don’t recognize my country anymore!! I love the USA, but I am ashamed of it!! Just watch the news for an hour, for that matter – even just for a few minutes, do we actually believe that Shinolah has not already hit the fan??? Just because we have not (yet) been bombed back into the dark ages or hit by an EMP, that doesn’t mean that it has not.

Our country is under an attack from outside sources (illegal immigration gone rampant, threats of all out war from other countries), as well as cyber attacks discovered, almost daily, against our country from places like Russia and China and more; an out of control dictator – Obama (who also by the way – apologizes for America’s {one time, as she is not as she once was} greatness) who gives executive orders at his whim with a spineless congress who are afraid to stand up against him, and a rouge Supreme Court (and other judges that thinks their jobs are to create laws; arrogant and flagrant corrupt politicians breaking laws with not consequences; immorality perverts proudly parading naked through the streets (in front of the very eyes of our children and grandchildren); and anyone who has the moral fiber to take a stand and say “No” is put in jail; civil unrest with racially generated violence (and a lot of it spurred on by the federal government along with those that Obama allows to go unchecked).

Rioting in the streets with good people afraid to even come out of their homes, with our police being executed at the gas pump or elsewhere just for trying to do their jobs; with our military so depleted to the point where we may not even be able to fight off an invading force while security secrets are leaked out intentionally or by neglect for security; the unbelievable trillions of dollars in debt our country is in (while downgrading our country’s credit rating) while we play the world’s unpaid police force; we give aid to everyone and their brother while not even taking care of our own real responsibilities – like our veterans – letting hundreds of thousands of them die in the system waiting for help they deserve (for crying out loud, they fought for this country and we’re letting them die!!!) – while giving welfare deadbeats that keep popping out baby after baby – creating and repeating the welfare generation cycle and to illegals who have no business here to begin with! . . . and our tax dollars also paying for programs that kill babies and sell off their body parts like some kind of auto chop shop!!!; our economy is collapsing right out from under us – just look at what happened to the stock market a couple of weeks ago, worthless currency with no true backing; we still have no real jobs recovery in sight while jobs are shipped out of the country with no taxes paid on the products shipped back in . . .and we are stupid enough to buy their goods!  What happened to when we were proud to buy products “Made In The USA”?, inflation continuing to rise to levels un-thought of . . .

Should I go on? I most certainly could. What are we waiting for before we will finally admit that Shinolah has ALREADY hit the fan?? Are we waiting for the other shoe to drop? What is it going to take before we admit the truth??

Wake up America, SHTF is already happening!!!!!!


This post created quite a conversation and debate. Although most agreed some picked it apart with negativity and accusations. Hey – I don’t agree with everything but I can be respectful in my comments. The “trolls” had their time with name calling and false accusations. Similar to when atheists purposely search out Christians and attack them on social media. Seems like they have nothing better to do.

It is easy to get swept up in the cesspool that seems to circulate around us at times. The thing to remember is only the bad news is reported. Get too down? Go pet a kitten.









via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1NoIb8u

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