Thursday, September 24, 2015

Free Nuclear Threat DVD……

Last week I mentioned a totally free DVD on nuclear terrorism that was available. Here is another one that I would recommend.  The Nuclear Threat Initiative is offering a free DVD video called “Last Best Chance“.

The video’s website provides the following description of the film:

Last Best Chance is a docudrama that shows the threat posed by vulnerable nuclear weapons and materials around the world and underscores what the stakes are.

 In the movie, al Qaeda operatives organize three separate operations aimed at getting nuclear weapons. The material is then fabricated into three crude nuclear weapons by small groups of trained terrorists, who have recruited bomb-making experts to help them manufacture their weapons.

 Governments around the world discover clues to the plot, but are unable to uncover the scheme before the weapons are en route to their destinations. The film clearly demonstrates that the hardest job for terrorists is gaining control of a nuclear weapon or material. Because the governments had failed to take sufficient action to secure or destroy the nuclear weapons material, they are helpless to prevent an attack.

 The film stars Fred Thompson and features an epilogue moderated by Tom Brokaw.

     To order your own copy click here.




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