Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Accessing subconscious to instigate LDs

This is a perspective that I have developed to better understand LD/OBE and how they relate to one another. Maybe it will prod some thoughts of your own. It may already be out there on the net, but I’m going to share it anyway.

The 5-pronged reality of dreaming. There are five spokes to the dreaming wheel. Daytime consciousness(DtC), daydreaming consciousness(DdC), night-dreaming consciousness(NdC), lucid dreaming consciousness(LdC), and OBE consciousness(OBEC). They are all gradients of awareness, but they all stem from the same source, your consciousness.

DtC: You are aware that you are in physical reality, and you are totally immersed in the environment. DdC: You are aware that you are in Non-Physical Reality (NPR), but you are not totally immersed in your environment. NdC: You are not aware that you are in NPR, but you are totally immersed in your environment. LdC: You are aware that you are in NPR, are totally immersed in your environment, but have only partial access to conscious memories. And OBEC: A combination of the above: You are aware that you are in NPR; you are totally immersed in your environment; and you have complete access to your memory.

On each end of the spectrum, you have the two bookends: DtC which is full physical awareness and OBEC which is full NPR awareness. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, your level of consciousness is the thread running through.

I think if people looked at LD/OBE from the perspective of pure consciousness, there would be a lot less infighting over whether OBE is a subset of LD or if LD is a subset of OBE. Because there can be only two realities: The physical and the non-physical. So why do people keep trying to break the non-physical into separate paradigms when they are all gradients of non-physical consciousness.

Consciousness abides in the non-physical, not in the physical. Of course, most scientists would say that consciousness resides physically within the brain. But as far as I know, no scientists has ever dissected a brain and cut out the part labelled consciousness. So, I will stick to my perspective for the moment.

To my way of thinking, that means that all thought-related activity resides in the NPR. This means stray thoughts, memories, thought experiments, daydreams, night dreams, etc., all reside in the non-physical.

All the above lead me to the conclusion that various techniques to influence the subconscious, which has direct access to NdC, can best be approached by accessing the NPR directly. As an example, if you daydream a scenario, you can input RCs and Dream Signs into the daydream. This should result in directly training the subconscious to react the same way during night dreams, because you are inputting the RCs and Dream Signs directly into NPR. Doing such training from within NPR should have a more direct influence on your subconscious because that is where it resides, and you are using symbology (pictures, emotions) which is the language of the subconscious.

Using words in physical reality has less effect, because your subconscious has to translate the word metaphors into symbol metaphors that it is able to better understand (or it has to rely purely on the intent behind your words). That is why mantras before you go to sleep are really for you to hear in order to generate intent, not for the mind. It’s the person’s intent behind the mantra that penetrates the subconscious, which is why visualizations are important to incorporate into MILD techniques. The visualization (subconscious language) along with the intent behind the mantra are what have the desired effect.

I don’t want to go into this ad nauseam, but this idea can be extrapolated into other techniques, etc.

I’ve been running these ideas through my head and wanted to share them with people on the same wavelength. You might not agree with my perspective, but you’ll at least know where I’m coming from. Sharing them with my friends/relatives just gets me the understanding nod of the head before they change the conversation back to the 49ers’ last game or to what Aunt Sally bought at the flea market.

Bottom line, I think if we recognize to what extent NPR extends into our world, we have a better chance of coming up with techniques that cut to the chase and optimally instigate LDs. I have a couple I am working on, but there’s no point in sharing until I pin down the specifics to make them fruitful.

Thanks for reading.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1gLTpFq

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