Tuesday, September 15, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 16th, 2015

Appreciate all the recent comments and discussions that have been happening in response to posts. Very insightful. I typically respond to comments every couple days.

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Well – Jade Helm has come and gone and martial law was not declared and the government didn’t take over Texas. All those out there that swore up and down this was IT and “get ready folks because it is getting ready to hit the fan”…..will throw some spin on it rather than say…”I was wrong”.

Every single year there is SOMETHING that is predicted to occur that will change life as we know it. Hey – I am human and have been sucked into some of these too. I do my best to use logic and common sense the best I can.

If you got swept up in the Jade Helm deal just mark it up as a learning experience.

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Movie actress Emily Blunt has recently stated that she regretted her decision to become a US citizen after watching the last GOP debate. I suggest she take her ass back to her home country and stay there.

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Looks like this weekend I will be heading to the range and testing my new AR pistol. A review report on that as well as the Canik TP9SA, Kel-Tec PMR30, and Taurus G2 Millennium coming soon.

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Have a question for everyone. Over the past couple months the readership for this site has declined quite a bit. At the highest point we had over 4000 visitors daily. This was shortly after the Sandy Hook event. Currently? Average is around 1500 per day. This is the lowest in years. I just wonder why. There must be a reason and if I know what it is I can fix/change it. Any suggestions or ideas feel free to share it. I have a few ideas but would like to hear from all of you.


via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1OWehpd

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