Sunday, September 20, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 21st, 2015

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I visited my brother in Georgia and as always enjoys my time in the country. I was able to get a good amount of trigger time in, ate some fantastic steak, visited a local “mom and pop” gun shop – and replaced the water pump on my Jeep upon arrival.

Upon getting out of my Jeep Friday night I smelt antifreeze immediately. I was hopeful it was a pinhole in a hose but the next morning when I added water it leaked out from the water pump. Fairly simple replacement I found. Had to visit three auto parts stores before I found one that had it in stock.

Had a good time. Here are a few pictures:


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MSO sponsor has some special offers going on right now. Here are a few:

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Just an FYI – do not use a wall for cover if being shot at. Most any wall will allow a bullet to pass right through it. A wall is concealment – not cover.

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Who here starts conversations with their family and close friends about prepping when you know they aren’t preppers. How do you bring up that conversation or do you even start it?





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