Monday, September 28, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 29th, 2015

Hope everyone has had a great start to their week. So much crap going on in the world it is easy to walk right by and not see the leaves changing or feel the beginning of the Fall “crisp” in the air. So looking forward to this Fall and coming winter.

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Getting new tires for my Jeep Wrangler. Just ordered 4 Goodyear Wrangler Duratracs. Recent wet weather has shown me how much I needed new ones as I have been sliding around corners.

Hope to have them by the end of week.

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Had lunch with an ex-Major League Baseball player yesterday. He was talking about the stock market and the economy. Mentioned how he has talked to several financial advisors one of which he particularly speaks highly of. The gist of the conversation was he believes the stock market needs a large correction. He believes the market will at a minimum drop below 15,000. He also said his guy believes the Federal debt will only be paid off due to massive inflation and the devaluing of the US dollar.

He is not aware of my beliefs in preparedness. He also has a cabin up in the mountains with a good amount of acreage. He just might make a good prospect for the group.

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Read about Trump’s ideas on revising the nation’s tax system. Still early but I like what I have seen. He has a big mouth and I am very suspicious of just how Liberal he really is but he certainly is not a politician. That is at least one positive.

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Just received the latest Emergency Essentials catalog. Looks like October is going to be “stock up” month. I like that theme. Winter is coming. No better time to stock up on things then now.

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Here’s some Patriotism for your Tuesday:





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