Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | How long before technique establishes itself?

Hi, i have been practising SSILD for about 3 weeks now. I go to best the same time each night. I SSILD before sleep (mainly to get to sleep quickly) then at a wbtb after 3 hours and then a wbtb after 6 hours bothe via natural awakenings (i dont need an alarm clock) and i try to keep to this routine as much as possible. I also meditate daily (vipasanna) and do quality reality checks through the day

Im disappointed that i have only had 3 DILDS in 3 weeks (or should I be?) How long would it take on average before this frequency increases? Or will it increase at all?. Im aiming for 3-4 lucids each week from SSILD but progress seems slow

Any help would be massively appreciated, thanks guys


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1idc2mN

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