Wednesday, September 2, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 3rd, 2015

The world is a dangerous place. It seems like turmoil and evil is spreading daily. You’re probably saying – “Tell me something I don’t know.”

Pentagon officials announced Wednesday that there are 5 Chinese Navy ships in the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska. With the Chinese expanding their Naval operations and flexing their military might recently this is unsettling.

As President Obama renames mountains in Alaska the situation in Syria – where he once drew a “red line in the sand” and then quickly erased it – is getting worse. Refugees trying to escape horrible atrocities are facing an almost worst existence as they head for Europe seeking refuge. Many are dying along the trip. The civil war and persecution of its citizens are driving them out. No one seems to want to take them in.

The national attitude towards police officers has been at an all time low. With the media publicizing a few incidents where a white police officer killed unarmed black men the #blacklivesmatter movement has been born. It has ultimately led to people calling for the murder of police officers just for being police officers. Apparently the #blacklivesmatter movement doesn’t look at the number of murders carried out on black people by……you guessed it….other black people. The numbers are staggering. Regardless – police are being targeted and being killed in cold blood. Pathetic.

North Korea is rattling its sabers again. If it wasn’t for the fact that the country is led by a psychopath it would be almost comical. Eventually someone will pull the wrong switch or push the wrong button and “BOOM!!”

It appears the Iranian nuclear deal is going to become a reality. This really shows the ineptness of our representatives to allow this to occur. To trust the Iranians who continue to this day to call for the destruction of the United Stats is idiotic – and dangerous.

The economy continues to struggle and market corrections appear to be ongoing. I am coming across more and more people who are concerned for the future and stocking up on food and buying guns. No better time than now to start networking with others.

Along with the #blacklivesmatter movement race relations have deteriorated. I do believe that the race-related issues are overblown by the media and somewhat localized to small groups of motivated people. Regardless – race relations are sliding backwards.

An actual Socialist looks to possibly be the nominee for President. Insanity.

Of course lets not forget about the alien zombie clown invasion getting ready to start.



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