Wednesday, September 16, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 17th, 2015

Russian hackers penetrated U.S. industrial control networks that run critical infrastructures like the electrical grid, according to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Clapper, in little-noticed testimony before Congress last week, also disclosed that Moscow has formed a cyber military command and a special hacker unit as part of preparations for future cyber warfare.

In addition to Russia, the intelligence chief singled out China, Iran, and North Korea as the primary nation states capable of conducting sophisticated cyber attacks and espionage.

– – – – – DNI: Russians Hacked U.S. Industrial Control Nets

Thanks to Capt. Michaels for sending in the above article link. Will make me think about my next power outage a little differently.


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I was recently asked to give my opinion on the refugee situation out of Syria and Iraq. I do not proclaim to be any kind of an expert in these areas. A couple thoughts:

 – No refugees should come to the United States.

 – The reason this immigration problem has occurred is partly due to the lack of response from European, Middle Eastern and other world countries in annihilating ISIS.


There are reports of ISIS sending its members in with the refugees in order to establish terrorist cells in their host countries. We do not need to take the risk. Additionally, having the USA as well as other countries stand by while ISIS terrorizes and massacres people does nothing but send a very clear message – “Go right ahead and keep doing what you are doing.” When it was too late a coalition was created to provide resistance against ISIS.

It hasn’t worked.

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What in the world is the deal with parents just making up names for their babies? I just don’t get the attraction.

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“A transvestite, Pro-Abortion Nun, and a Gay Bishop walk into the White House”……no – it’s not a joke. Obama has invited these people to the White House for when the Pope visits.

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Watched the debate. Impressed with so many excellent candidates. Trump has no real answers – just fluff. Overall I was impressed with Rubio, Fiorina, and Christie. Felt bad for Dr. Carson and I still like him but he is not very convincing when it comes to policy discussion.

My opinion and it may change tomorrow.



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