Friday, September 4, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | LUCID Algorithm - Your Journey Has Begun

Hi everyone, this is going to be an in-depth analysis of a multiple technique lucid dreaming method born from 5 months of lucid dreaming experience in search of finding a technique that will hopefully give me (and others) nightly lucid adventures.


I started out 5 months ago by reading the WILD guides on these forums as a complete newbie, I chose an afternoon nap and lay down for 90 mins, throat dry, uncomfortable, chanting and doing everything to wild. To my shock, after 90 mins I started having powerful vibrations (really strong) and then stood up in my bedroom and flew out the window. I was hooked! I then repeated this the following afternoon with equal success. My first ever Lucid attempt was a wild and it worked. (I have never been able to repeat this success)

The following few months were not so great. Every night I have been wbtb, i have tried wild ssild fild mild and every other 'ild there is. In 5 months i have has about 4 real good lucid dreams and about 5 others that i didnt stabalize properly but still now only averaging around 1 lucid 'event' every 2-3 weeks :-(

I became obsessed, i love reading and have to date, amazingly read almost every single thread on this website, some multiple times, I have learnt the theory behind every technique there is and have read 8 books including EWOLD and The Phase. I have tried everything including asking question and using multiple techniques, i am determined and almost desperate to make Lucid dreaming a major factor in my life, This is something i am willing to do anything to achieve. I am 45 years old male and have no stresses in my life so I am lucky enough to be able to implement most anything to move forward

With the masses of knowledge that DreamViews has given me, I feel like I'm an 'expert' on the 'theory' of Lucid dream induction and I have now created an algorithm of what I believe should work for me and hopefully bring me lucid dreams on a nightly basis. I have posted it below and then I follow with my reasons behind each step from what you guys have helped me learn. I hope this algorithm can help many other newbies here that are just starting out.

Lucid events in the last 5 months - 10 (from over 120 attempts)

The algorithm
This algorithm is based around using multiple techniques to give more opportunity and to provide 'back up plans' when one fails

1) Go to sleep for approx 5 and a half hours (11am to 4.30am)
2) Wake up for 10 mins - get glass water, loo and sit quietly revising my plan
3) Lay down and perform SSILD
4) Sleep and upon awakening attempt the 'indirect techniques'
5) If this fails then immediately compose myself and attempt to WILD instead (using a MILD mantra - I become aware when I dream, I become aware when I dream)
6) If this fails then repeat step 4

7) Daytime practise - Vapassana Mindfulness meditation with Sporadic awareness reality checks


My thinking behind these steps - please criticise and help with any aspects that you think may be detrimental to any of this, thank you

1) Go to sleep for approx 5 and a half hours (11am to 4.30am) .......... Thinking - Whenever I go to sleep i naturally awaken after each sleep cycle and over 5 months have determined that i wake every 70 mins (as opposed to the 'text book' 90 mins) From this I can determine that after about 5 and a half hours I will be heading into my 5th sleep cycle where rem is abundant.

2) Wake up for 10 mins - get glass water, loo and sit quietly revising my plan .......... Thinking - I have stayed up for 20 mins in the past and it can take 40 mins to get back to sleep, in fact however long I stay up for, it takes twice as long to get back to sleep so 10 mins seems to be about right amount

3) Lay down and perform SSILD .......... Thinking - At this point I could attempt a WILD but for the first WBTB I choose a SSILD instead. This is because I could still be some way of my next REM cycle and so SSILD may help induce a lucid dream when i fall asleep. SSILD seems to be a respected technique that works and this is why I attempt it at this point in my lucid 'schedule' instead of a traditional WILD

4) Sleep and upon awakening attempt the 'indirect techniques' .......... This is self explanatory. If I dont get lucid from the SSILD then I can hopefully get an OBE from Michael Ragugas Indirect methods (from his book 'The Phase') This is similar to a DEILD and I have had 1 success with this method in the past

5) If this fails then immediately compose myself and attempt to WILD instead .......... Now comes the real 'meat & bones' in the form of a traditional WILD. At this point in my sleep schedule I will be well into long REM cycles making a WILD easier. The WILD technique I have chosen amongst the 100's that I have read is the WILD / MILD combo. I will lay down and repeat a MILD mantra to attempt the WILD ( I become aware in my dreams, I become aware in my dreams etc). If the WILD fails then this can lead to a MILD from that mantra

6) If this fails then repeat step 4 ..... Thinking - I can also take advantage of any further natural awakenings throughout the early hours to re-attempt the above

7) Daytime meditation / mindfulness to increase natural awareness to further increase lucidity in the way of DILDS


The only challenge of the above is remembering what to do during the course of the night. It could be the case that i get lucid from the first SSILD and then choose to record the dream and happily skip the other steps for that night with the memory of a lucid dream, or I could get a lucid from the SSILD and then attempt re-entry with the 'Indirect techniques' and dream chain the night away

Please please please take everything ive wrote above and smash it, flame it, and tear it apart to reveal any flaws or unworkable / unrealistic expectations etc

Once I have success with this method and it has been honed, tweaked and twisted and lucid dreams have started to become frequent then I know it can be successfully applied for others (remember that I am a beginner with only a few LD's under my belt) I will then name it and post it as a 'new' multi-technique for newbies to the website to consider

Each step in this algorithm has been thought out by reading 100' of threads and so thank you to everyone that posted

Ezzo :wink:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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