Friday, September 4, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | How I miss LD opportunities, it's getting funnier and more frustrating

I had already made a thread about this "problem": Cursed with full awareness+zero control

Now things have gotten funnier: My dream characters know it's a dream too. So imagine this, everybody in the dream brings up the same thing, everybody says this is a dream including myself, yet I don't remember I have the ability to control. In a recent dream I had, I was on a bridge in a car with a dream character, he was driving. He decided to drive the car off the bridge to the sea and see how it fees to drown inside a car. Then we started laughing so hard. I told him I knew we were dreaming too and said I did not need/want that kind of an experience. Anyways, it was impossible to change his mind. He drove the car off the bridge. The car hit the water and we were still laughing our heads off. (I don't know why it felt so funny and fun) We opened the doors and swam to the surface. Yes, my dreams almost always have happy endings because deep down, I'm controlling, somehow. I feel something but it's very hard to explain.

An example, in an other dream I was in an elevator and the cable was about the break. The elevator started shaking. I told myself: "Now all I need is to focus and not let this thing fall, with mind power." See, again, an happy ending but a weird way of dream control which is not really control. And no, I don't act all magical in my daily life, that's not why I'm getting these dreams. I don't believe in stopping elevators from falling using mind power. :D

I don't know what I should be doing. I'm doing plenty of auto suggestions before bed and I can set the setting, events, characters and can set whether I want to know I'm dreaming or not. But auto suggestions don't seem to be helping when it comes to control. "In-dream realization plus control" is a rare thing for me. But in my opinion, those are the best lucid experiences there is something special about them, they feel truly magical.

All thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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