Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid dreaming begginer, things are getting worse than when I started.


I am a begginer in lucid dreaming, meaning that I had never found myself in a LD longer than 3 seconds. I have encountered some major problems.

I started about 2 weeks ago, however I read about LD (EWLD by Laberge and some other stuff on internet) before that.

When I started, first induction techniques I tried were WBTB with MILD. The first night I did that, I could not concentrate enough to repeat the mantra the whole time until I fell asleep; my thoughts just bursted without control before i actually fell asleep. Nevertheless, I had a dream, I was sitting on a wooden chair, neon lights in front of me, and a girl that I know on my lap. Then I said something like "this is a dream", but I lost it before I even said the whole sentence. I woke up feeling OK.

Second night I tried WBTB + MILD, I have had somewhat better results; I was climbing some ladder, and when I got to the wall above me, I wondered what to do for a while, until I realised that I am in fact dreaming and thus I can break any wall in front of me. I yelled, most joyfully, "This is a dream!!" and I even forgot to break the wall, because I was stunned by the vividness of the world around me. I have never seen anything like that before. I woke up after 3 seconds or so, my eyes were wide open, and I could not calm down for a while.

So I was making progress. However, the two nights that followed I was unable to perform WBTB as I was enjoying the company of my friends through the nights. And after that, everything went to hell.

I keep my DJ, I write everything in it. Even the slightest fragment of a dream, if I remember it. But during the last week, I could not even remember much, maybe 3 dreams during whole 7 days!

I tried setting my alarm clock for WBTB again, but I always wake up before it turns on. And what´s worse; when I wake up like that, without alarm clock, before my scheduled time, I almost never remember even that I was dreaming!

I read that even if I wake up on my own, I should get up and engage in some brain activity etc. then return to bed. But if I am not sure that I woke up from REM, what point is in that?

So I try to fall asleep again, but it is so hard. It usually takes me 30-45 minutes. Note that it takes this long only if I wake up on my own during the night. When I go to sleep for the first time, it takes 15-30 minutes.

So my question is: What should I do? My dream recall went worse than when I was beggining! I am getting plenty of sleep, that can´t be the problem. Should I still try WBTB? And if I should, how to not wake up before I am supposed to?

It is really frustrating, more so because it makes it harder for me to fall asleep. LD is something beautiful, and I want to return to dream world more than anything in the world.

Thanks for your advice in advance.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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