Monday, September 7, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 8th, 2015

Hope everyone had a great weekend. If you were lucky enough to have a 3-day weekend due to the Holiday….even better. Mine was very good as I did much of nothing. Just relaxed and worked to destress as much as possible.

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Over the weekend I started watching The Walking Dead from the very beginning. I was able to get through Season 2 and will continue the rest during the week. I was surprised that I picked up on numerous things during that I missed the first time around.

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While I rested over the weekend there have been several things on my mind. Maybe it is just my getting older but it seems like the number of people that I can call “friends” are very small in number. To go right along with that is “loyalty”. Over the last few years there have been four people that I counted on and they betrayed me. I thought there was loyalty between us and a level of trust. Apparently it was only one way. Betrayal – I don’t know a better word. Having someone you care about betray you is one thing – but when they do it over something petty without much effort given to try to work things out….so disappointing. I am a giving person and would do about anything to help a friend. Drop of a hat someone needs help moving – I am there. Someone breaks down 1.5 hours away – I am there. Seems like personal relationships just aren’t what they used to be. People are out for themselves and “screw everyone else”.

Oh well. I am too trusting of those that I get to know and believe they have good intentions. I do learn from my mistakes and I will NOT allow it to happen so easily.

Such as life.

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Here is some interesting information:

In August 2015  – Native born American workers lost 698,000 jobs.

In August 2015 – Foreign born workers gained 204,000 jobs.

How about this…..since December of 2007 only 798,000 jobs have been added to the workforce by Native-born American workers. Contrary to that over 2.1 million foreign born workers have found employment here in the United States.

Wonderful. See the article I found this information at HERE.


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