Thursday, September 3, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 4th, 2015

It is not uncommon for preppers of any age to be ridiculed, made fun of and sometimes called “crazy” for feeling the need to be prepared. Preparedness is something that when looked at logically is just common sense. Unfortunate things happen to millions of people every single year and those that are better prepared will be able to handle many of these events better than those that are not.

bert-gummer-on-preparednessThat’s not crazy.

There are many conditions that people can find themselves in and being prepared will prove beneficial. Lets take a look at just a few:

Unemployment – Unless you live in a bubble you know of the extreme unemployment that this country has gone through. Literally millions of people over the past few years have found themselves out of work and faced with answering the question “How will I feed my family?”

Hurricane – Should a hurricane effect your area and power is lost for several days or several weeks you will be faced with many challenges.

Terrorist Attack – Imagine a scenario where several small low-yield nuclear weapons are detonated in a few highly populated cities across the country. Transportation will be GREATLY affected as well as the ability to conduct normal financial transactions. Bottom line is our delicate complex system of commerce will be shutdown or at least slowed down greatly. This deserves a post of its own.

The above 3 scenarios range from the very common to the least likely. Regardless – having extra food, water, medical supplies, fuel, etc. on hand would make dealing with such events much better.

If you are reading this you likely do not need convincing that prepping is OK and the right thing to do. If you are confronted by friends and family about why you have so much food there is one way to respond that I and many others have use successfully. Ask them the question – “Have you ever seen food prices go down over time?” Of course they will answer “No.” Then simply say “Well, I buy in bulk when it is on sale so I can pay less now rather than more later – makes sense doesn’t it?”

Ever had to deal with a friend or family member criticize your steps to preparedness?

Take care –



National Prepardness


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