Tuesday, September 1, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – September 2nd, 2015

Ken W. was the winner of the Sunwayman C22C flashlight giveaway. Appreciate everyone who entered. Stay tuned a new giveaway will be scheduled soon.

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Move!!!! I have a few people I know that complain about their weight. Frustrating is they talk to me about how they need to drop 20, 30, or 100 pounds  – and then head to McDonald’s for lunch. I get it – losing weight is not easy. I am pretty athletic and knowledgable about fitness and nutrition and certainly not at the ideal weight I would like to be at. Why? Choice! When I want to lose weight I do it. Remember – I said losing weight was not easy – but it is simple. Simply eat less calories than you burn. Simple – not easy.

Fitness and preparedness go hand in hand. Imagine a situation where you needed to use a rope to pull something up on top of a building, or maybe even climb the rope yourself. Can you do it?

Many of us have physical limitation but you have to do the best you can with the hand you’re dealt. If you cannot run – walk. If you cannot walk – just move! Eat clean and work to improve your health. Your only get one life – use it wisely.

See my fitness section for more information.



via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1Jx3Hl8

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