Wednesday, July 8, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 9th, 2015

The situation yesterday with the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines had a lot of people thinking. Combined with the free-fall Chinese stock market and their economy along with the situation in Greece people were beginning to wonder if the pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together.

Officials were quick to come out discounting the event as a cyberattack however I wouldn’t be surprised if it was and there is a cover up. If it got out that the stock market was vulnerable to cyber intrusions confidence in those investments would plummet.

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Garden has done fairly well this year – well – at least when it comes to cucumbers. My zucchini plants died early on. Appeared to be a lack of water or nutrients. Soil might have had too good of drainage and just didn’t hold the water. Squash bugs got my crookneck summer squash plants. Tomato’s did OK. Lost a few to blight. Man – guess the garden has not done very well.


Cucumbers have been fantastic as usual. Mrs. Rourke has canned many jars of pickles  – different kinds. I always plant small pickling cucumbers rather than larger varieties.

This is the first year I did not till the garden and that may have something to do with the mediocre performance.

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A few miles from me there was recently a murder-suicide involving the deaths of four people. Now there is an outcry of locals calling for more gun control. Ignorance. The man who carried out the killings was a two-time felon. It was illegal for him to have the firearm to begin with.

The anti-gun crowd functions not on fact but emotion – which can be very powerful and effective.

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“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.    – – – Henry Ford”
Mark Goodwin, The Days of Noah: Book One: Conspiracy


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