Thursday, July 23, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 24th, 2015

One of MSO’s many readers “Rob” offered to send me a bunch of old issues of “SURVIVE” magazine. Awesome! As a teenager I would anxiously await each and every copy at my local newsstand. I would read them cover to cover absorbing every word.


Thanks Rob!!

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Read that the Department of Justice is looking at opening a case to investigate a gun shop who states they will not serve Muslims. It may sound harsh but I have no issue with this. The public can decide whether to do business with them or not. Guess I am getting more Libertarian. Guess it is OK to have Black Entertainment Television and EBONY magazine but a gun shop cannot chose who to do business with.

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Right now one of my favorite flashlights  – the Sunwayman C22C – is only $37.96. This is for a limited time. You can read my review of this excellent light HERE.

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AS I finish this up it was just announced that another shooting at a movie theater occurred in LA. I pray for the victims. No doubt the anti-gun crowd will seize the moment.

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Have a great weekend everyone.




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