Monday, July 13, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 14th, 2015

This will be short. Had a thunderstorm last night and lost power for a bit.

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Over the weekend I played around with my new Sun Oven. It is an incredible piece of equipment. The owner of and myself will be holding a webinar within the next few weeks. I am negotiating with them to try to get a really special offer for MSO readers.

So cool.


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Over the past several weeks I have been a proponent of They offer a wide variety if products – some related to preparedness and many that do not. What is very attractive are there prices. is based in China – where most of the products are made. I just received a Ganzo G704 pocket knife which I bought for around $15 with free shipping. What a bargain. This is a really nice knife. I will take some pictures and post later on.


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It appears that the military is going to lift the ban on transgenders from serving.

It keeps getting better and better.

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Pellet guns. I am beginning to see a much more important role for them than I have previously. In a long term SHTF event they could be very useful for gathering food via squirrels and rabbits. Pellets are so inexpensive and so many can be stored in very little space. A small investment would allow other firearms and ammunition supplies to be extended greatly.







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