Wednesday, July 29, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 30th, 2015

Years ago my brother and I were introduced to paintball. My brother had a Brass Eagle Stingray and I had a Tippmann Carbine. Paintball was new and back then masks were actually optional. We wore goggles. I think back and it was pretty dumb to only have that limited protection.

We played in the property behind his house. A couple acres with two abandoned homes and wooded areas provided ample areas to track, hunt, and take each other out.  I remember one particular situation where I was not sure where my brother was and I needed to travel through a wooded area in order to reach one of the abandoned homes. I walked softly – taking two steps, look – listen – then two more steps and repeat. It took me nearly 20 minutes to cross the area and when I arrived within view of the house I could not see him. As I grew closer I suddenly realized he was standing right in front of me about 20 feet next to a tree. He was well camouflaged. My patience won out however as I raised my barrel and fired taking him out. Patience allowed me to travel through the woods rather silently and get very close to another human who was also looking for me.

Patience is something in short supply nowadays as we live in a world with instant everything. Instant food, instant entertainment, and instant information.

“Good things come to those who wait.”

Well – that is one perspective. I prefer this……

“Good things come to those who work for it – no matter how long it takes.”



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