Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | my own MILD Scenery

Hi all. when im trying to MILD the general advice is to remember the last dream, reply it and imaging becoming lucid in it. Fir me I prefer to use my own made up scene which is basically me walking around the streets where i live, i imagine seeing placards says ' do a reality check' and i mantra ' next time i dream i will remember to do lots of reality checks'

Is there any disadvantage to visulization using a non recent dream. I prefer to visualize my local street because i can vividly recall all the details as i know the place so well. is this a good way to visualize?

ps: i dont mind if my lucid dream begins in my street as i can always recreate a new scene once luicid

any thoughts guys? :-)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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