Thursday, July 16, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 17th, 2015

As I write this the information on the shooting at two military facilities in Tennessee is becoming more clear. It is certainly looking like what I would call an Islamic terrorist attack. Time will tell the truth…..maybe. What is ridiculous is the banning of guns on military bases. Soldiers not allowed to carry firearms. Just doesn’t make sense. If someone can enlighten me feel free.

Notice the “no weapons allowed” sign in the window of the door at the Recruitment Center involved in the shooting:


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Ever here of Giant Hogweed? Jim sent in a link on identifying this very dangerous toxic plant that grows in a variety of areas across the world – including here in the States.

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Received a message from Julie regarding my peanut butter post:

“FYI- I am currently eating a jar of peanut butter which is dated Jan. 2011. The jar has been open for some while as I’m single and don’t eat a whole jar of PB very quickly. It just sits in the cupboard. No frig, no freezer, no special conditions or treatment. It’s still just as good as a fresh new jar. It’s an off- brand called American that I got for a dollar a jar. Can’t beat 4 1/2 yrs beyond date and still good for only a dollar.”

Thanks Julie for sharing!

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Something to think about when picking your camp site:

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Found a local guy that sharpens knives. Dropped off a few to him and will see how he does. He charges $3.50-$6.00 per blade depending on size. Guy is about 80 years old and has probably been doing this for years.

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Have a great weekend everyone!!!




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