Thursday, July 30, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 31st, 2015

Folks – political correctness and the Progressive movement has reached an all time ridiculous high.

The New York Post is reporting that the Commission for Human Rights has fined an Indian restaurant for trying to hire a…..wait for it……Indian server. The amount of the fine? $5,000.

How dare they!! How dare an Indian restaurant attempt to do what makes incredible common sense and be allowed to make decisions that is in the best interest of their business.

I guarantee if you go and tell many of the Sheeple out there they won’t believe it and think your joking. It is all fun and games until this pathetic governmental instruction shows up on their doorstep.

This Commission for Human Rights is also attacking businesses that advertise for “waiters” or “waitresses”. No – can’t do that as that is discrimination against sexual gender.

I am sure if a strip club was looking for a transgender worker they would not say anything as that fits within their agenda.

The cesspool is getting larger and the country is drowning.

Besides that…..hope you have a great weekend!!!




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