Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Can't Realize I'm In a Dream

Hey guys. I've been practicing getting lucid for a year now and have had 3 lucid dreams since, all this week and consecutive. The first two were on the same night and lasted seconds whereas the third lasted about 6-7 minutes. I used FILD + WBTB for all three. However, I haven't been able to have one since, probably for 2 reasons: 1) I don't feel sleepy immediately after WBTB so I can't go right into FILD anymore. I tell myself to do it right before I sleep, but I still manage to fall asleep after 5 minutes but miss my chance. 2) I've been trying MILD with it, but I can never tell I'm dreaming, even with a year of trying MILD each night, complete with several reality checks each day. I've had thoughts that I'm unable to lucid dream, period, and that the first dreams I've had were flukes or something. So is there anything you guys can recommend doing to really get me to question myself while inside a dream? Thanks!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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