Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | I realise I'm in a dream, but don't do anything about it?

I've noticed something happen a couple of times recently; while deep in a dream, I'll suddenly realise that I'm lucid. However, I'll note it casually and not do anything about it! It usually happens close to the end of the dream, when it's too foggy to properly do anything while lucid and the dream is almost over... usually, I just shrug and continue on with the dream plot and lose lucidity or the dream ends before I can do anything. Is there a way to remedy this? Will keeping a dream journal help more? I haven't really had time recently, definitely not right after I wake up since when my mother decides it's time for me to wake up, she wants me to wake up then, not lie in bed writing for half an hour. But I might try to keep documenting them on my laptop when I have a chance, since it's always a shame to lose interesting dreams. Most of the time, they're gone within minutes of me waking up though, no matter how intense they were, and all I'm left with is some vague feeling of the atmosphere of the dream.
Anyway, back to the point, is there a way to make this thing work better and lead to a proper, more vivid lucid dream? Will doing stabilising techniques help? I never remember when I'm actually in the dream, but perhaps if I think to myself about it, there's a higher chance I'll remember in my dream? Just any advice on where to go from here would be greatly appreciated :)!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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