Thursday, July 16, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Starting the fire in your heart

Passion is probably the single most essential thing in the life of a person looking to achieve great wonders.

You want to lucid dream? FIND YOUR PASSION.

Passion lights the flame in your chest that tells you you can do anything.
Don't allow yourself to live empty. This world is not to be taken so lightly, it is beautiful and powerful beyond belief and it will one day swallow you up. As a being born in this wonderful place, you are part of this great power. With the short time that you have, find what you truly desire above all else and follow it, no matter what it may be. Everything else will come with time. Your joy and determination will bring you everything else, including lucid dreaming.

If your passion IS lucid dreaming, then dedicate yourself to it. Do not bother wasting your time doing half your effort.
If one has a strong conviction, things will have a way of working themselves out.

When you follow the path with heart, you will find a lack self doubt. That is where your power lies.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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