Monday, July 13, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | New: General Dream Signs MILD Technique (GenILD)

Another spin on a prospective memory MILD idea was this ...

Each morning i say to myself the following ....

Next time i see a woman, i will do a reality check
Next time someone speaks to me i will do a reality check
Next time i am in an unfamiliar place, i will do a reality check

Once i see a cue then i can perform a reality check and then choose to 'renew' the mantra for that cue or leave it for a while (if driving through town centre than i would be reality checking non stop)

After a few weeks, the neuron pathways would create an automatic habit of reality checking whenever i see a woman, someone talks to me or im in an unfamiliar place and i reality check almost exclusively to these 3 cues.

For my MILD mantra at night would be 'the next time i see any woman i will reality check, the next time someone speaks to me i will reality check, the next time im in an unfamiliar location i will reality check repeat repeat etc This would be 3 mantras repeated after one another

So what the thinking behind all this? Well nearly all my dreams will contain one of these cues (dream signs) and because my reality checks are now strongly associated with them then i will perform a RC a high percentage of the time whilst dreaming (its unlikely that me or most people have dreams without 1 of these cues in at some point)

Its true that these cues are not very specific and are quite general but thats a trade off to ensure a dream sign in every dream thats been brought into the prospective memory from the mild mantra

Its frustrating to have specific dream signs that dont show often (such as a flying blue elephant etc) but my technique would mean a dream sign in every dream. Obviously you could change the 3 cues to anything such as ... an animal, the sky, a door etc

Maybe general dream signs are the way forward. Taking it even furthur we could accommodate for 5 or 10 general dream signs to look for once we are practised at it

Thoughts, flames and opinions please :-)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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