Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Managed to LD 10-15 time this morning

Well hello again, today was my best day of LD as I managed the best results after 1 years+. I don't make dream journals, but recently I did remember to try doing Reality Check as much as possible because I normally have good dream memory. This morning about 6:10AM~ ( which is also the time I wake up to go work in the week ) I experienced about 10 to 15 LD, mostly short LD which would "break" because I am not that much used to LD. But it did happen like this:

1° I was in a dream and the place look liked like a japanese house. Suddenly I noticed I was dreaming and then it "crashed". You know the sound a computer makes when it crashes and the screen goes all distorted and the computer reset? It's been some years this happened to my PC, but it's exactly like this how I saw.
2° Everything went dark, but I was in a "neutral" emotional state. Because of this, I think I was able to LD again but in a different place.

And it kept happening, the more I would LD suddenly dream characters started appearing in it but anything related to people I know or places would make it "crash/break". Last LD I remember to have been flying around in a city fighting against a weird looking bear that was in a giant street trash bin, lol. But at this point I gave up on LD and made myself wake up to try LD in a different position out of curisioty, but I couldn't LD anymore probably because I was hungry. What's the best way to increase LD timing? The more I would LD the longer it would get, but sometimes I would be sent flying away and only in my last dream I took control of it. A few questions:

- Sometimes it would break my LD because when trying to move in it, it would move my body IRL. Is this normal? But every time this did happen I would just stop, everything would go dark and then another LD would start.
- Most times that I LD my vision is bad, I can see likely in a "circle". Is it possible later on to "fix" this?
- Are dream characters actually normal for LD if I don't imagine them? Some popped out of nowhere with personalities and etc.

I have been taking Centrum multivitamin ( man version ) and started eating Banana mixed with oatmeal as it gives vitamin B6 which is good for the mind and humor. I THINK the banana+ oatmeal helped me today as I started eating this 3 days ago or maybe, it could be because I changed my position: I was laying down in the bed, you know facing the upper part? And with the arms really close to my body.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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