Sunday, July 12, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 13th, 2015

1 in 5 kids do not graduate high school. Not a good stat and yet there is little discussion about the problem. If 1 in 5 cell phones stopped working today there would be panic in the streets and protest galore.

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I am about 25% through Book 2 of The Days of Noah. It is a very compelling read and has generated a lot of thought about the possible methods a collapse could happen and the environment just prior, during, and after. There is a definite Christian backbone to the story which I have enjoyed.

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Preparedness Project: Have started accumulating and organizing digital information covering all aspects of preparedness. Storing them on Micro SD cards, USB thumb drives, and inexpensive tablets. I am dividing information up based on categories such as gardening, homesteading, medical/first aid, defense, etc. This is not replacing paper books and print outs but in addition to.

As I get further along I will share more.

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So I hear NASCAR is going to ban the use of the term “racing” for fear it may be misconstrued for “actively participating in racism”.


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Happy Monday…..I can see the weekend off in the distance.








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