Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | 8 failed RCs in 1 dream. Any advice?

So it was a very vivid dream and here's what happened:

I looked out the window and noticed something strange -- something suddenly disappeared, actually. I then thought “that’s odd, this seems like a good time to RC”. So I walked about the room for what felt like 2 or 3 minutes, doing every RC I could think of at the time:

I first read some text, looked away and looked back -- it was exactly the same the second time and easily readable. I then thought “if this was a dream, surely there would be some kind of dream feeling” so I tried to detect anything of the sort, but nothing -- it felt just like reality (in fact I found myself thinking "I doubt a dream would feel as mundane and as 'real' as this"). So that didn’t work, either. I then tried the nose pinch, but when I pinched my nose, I couldn’t breathe (very odd, that!). I then decided to test how fluid things were as usually in dreams you can walk from one place to another in what feels like an “instant” sometimes. So I walked across the room, but again, it was just as fluid, just as stable as reality, even the sense of gravity in the dream was perfect. If that wasn’t enough, I then decided to look around the room to see if it looked how I remembered it -- it seemed to look exactly the same (of course, with lack of memory in the dream I guess it would’ve! :roll:). At this point I was thinking “Of course this is reality!”. I then remembered reading something about how temperature can often be absent in dreams, so I decided to test that -- but the room felt genuinely cold. Just to be thorough, however, I tried one more (what I thought was a reliable) reality check of looking at something, looking away and checking it again to see if anything had changed. I looked across the room at a stack of books, and even chose a small logo in the corner of one of them -- I looked away, looked back expecting to see a completely different “scene” or whatever, but no -- the book was still in the same place with the logo and everything else completely unchanged (nothing around it seemed to have moved, either!). I thought, “yeah it’s reality alright”. Shortly after that, I woke up. I just couldn’t believe it! :shakehead2:

I’ve never experienced reality checks fail so spectacularly, especially with a good level of mindfulness when doing them (and all done so closely together). I felt quite aware and “present” in this dream, as well. It wasn’t a DC me doing the reality checks, it felt like “me”, i.e. I was self-aware enough to do proper reality checks, but as listed above, every one of them failed.

Would you guys have any advice for next time, or recommend anything? :lol:

Thanks! :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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