Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Too tired to WILD when I wake in the middle of the night?

Sometimes I set my alarm for about 5-6 hours after I go to sleep with the intention to wake up and try to perform a WILD in the night. However, usually when I wake up I'm simply too tired and unmotivated to put in the effort; I just want to go back to sleep. Is there a way to make myself feel more WILD ready after waking up, without making myself so energetic I can't get back to sleep again to enter the lucid dream? I'm pretty new to WILDING. I almost got there once, and then I think I may have had some kind of successful WILD at some point, but I don't actually remember it that well and I lost lucidity almost instantly upon entering the dream. But I'm pretty sure I can do it with the right preparations. The only problem is I just don't feel like it after waking up in the night. Do you think it would help if I was just more determined before I went to sleep? Or if I left some kind of note to myself not to mess up my opportunity? It doesn't help that in the middle of the night I'm often feeling a bit frightened and wary about WILDING due to my overactive imagination.
I can't just go make coffee or something to help because I live with my mum and firstly we don't have coffee and secondly, I don't think she'd appreciate it if I woke her up boiling a kettle because she is a really light sleeper.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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