Monday, July 27, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | 1 dream 10 dream signs, no LD

So its been 5 weeks since my last short lucid dream. Each day i journal up to 4 dreams, i have great recall and lots of rem each night. I meditate daily and am mindfull all day with reality checks every half hour. Each time i meditate i say ' next time i see a (dream sign) i will reality check'

I see dream signs all the time but nothing ever happens

Lat night i had a dream that had 5 dream signs in all in the same room!!! that contained the dream, but still unable to recognize or become lucid. I then had another 3 dreams and my dreamsigns were in all of these but no LD!!

Why cant i get lucid. When i first started training 12 weeks ago i had 8 lucids within the first 2 weeks then they stopped. I have not changed anything and i have a committed and positive mindset

I dont know what to do to make my dreamsigns trigger lucidity and really appreciate any help. I am 45 years old

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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