Monday, July 13, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | WILD's/WBTB's without even trying for past couple of days?

So I've been studying lucid dreaming since I was in the seventh grade. I'm a freshman in college now. I am continuously interested in the practice of lucid dreaming, however there are months and months where I don't write down a single dream in my journal, or even attain lucidity. I do have the occasional lucid dream without having any recent practice, just from simply knowing about it I suppose? Recently, however, maybe about a week ago, I decided to try and really get back into it, aka write down dreams, RC during the day, etc etc. After I made that decision, I started being able to WILD perfectly?! I have never once been able to achieve a smooth WILD, it has been the hardest technique for me, but it happens almost everyday now, but Im not even meaning to!
My real question is though...why is this happening, and why is it happening so well all of a sudden? Also, does what I'm doing count as a WILD or WBTB?

So I'll explain ... My boyfriend wakes up around 5:30 everyday on the weekdays for work. My body morphed to his schedule, so now I wake up at that time too. Sometimes I will drive him to work and come back home and go back to sleep (takes about an hour). Other times I will stay up with him for maybe about ...20-30 minutes and then go back to sleep. My lucidity happens always after these instances!
I will be falling asleep, and next thing I know I feel very heavy and there are waves of vibrations and pressure I can't explain all over my body, accompanied by a very loud white-noise sound. It reminds me of waves crashing against rocks, but it's more constant and VERY loud. (There are never any other audio hallucinations, always just this one?) At this point, there are faint visuals on the back of my eyelids. One time a Skelton-like monster appeared, and I made a sledgehammer appear too and I smashed the monster with it?
The visuals will become more full and concrete, I think the dreamscape is just starting to become more solid of something idk? But when this happens, I kind of lean into the visual, whatever it may be, and just immerse myself into it. At this point, I am no longer a physical self, I can just feel my soul, my dream self, whatever part ways with my physical body into the dreamscape.
Sometimes it is a bit unstable, and I will fail, but other times...literally the next moment I am awake in my dream, just like that. The first thing I do is RC and rub my hands together gently, to try and make the world around me more vivid and stable. Today I thought to myself in the dream about events that had happened just that morning in the real world, it was strange. I was super aware? Anyway, then I'll just screw around in my dream and do whatever I want to do. (Definitely
Must work on control, but for some reason I have gotten a lot better at it than I used to be in the past)??
This happens almost every morning now. And this will lead to 2 or 3 instances where I am lucid, not just one. I feel like I am lucid for hours lol.
So what is this technique and why am I achieving it so much now? What triggered this? I'm not complaining, it's amazing and these are the best lucid dreams I have had in years but it's perplexing to me!
I explained all of this the best I could, sorry for any confusion. Questions are welcomed if you're unsure about what I mean by something. Would love to discuss this with all you like-minded people! I'm excited, but confused!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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