Wednesday, July 22, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 23rd, 2015

Health & Fitness Update:  A few weeks ago my back developed a muscle spasm that was very painful. I am at about 95% right now and doing sooooo much better. A few days of trigger point massage – which is painful in itself – has taken care of it.

I continue to stray from Crossfit. The reason is primarily a few injuries and a lack of motivation to kill myself the way that Crossfit is. I still coach a class at my local Crossfit every Tuesday night however I have been getting back into more of a bodybuilding-style workout.

Strength remains good while working around some minor shoulder issues:

close-grip bench press – 255 max

front squat – 245 max

overhead machine press – 200 for 6 reps(entire stack)

Just a few examples.

My blood pressure has been doing better and I am on medication. I have a follow up appoint this morning.

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Russian bombers flew 39 miles of the California coast on July 4th. Maybe they were just watching some fireworks.

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Working on updating my “Preparedness Store” here within the pages of MSO. Assortment of items which are mostly from Amazon covering a wide range of preparedness categories.

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Any opinion on the header at the top of the screen? I am trying to change it up and just playing around. If it doesn’t look any different it may take some time to change.

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It was released today that most of those killed in the Chattanooga military shooting were hunted down inside the building. Chalk those killing up for another victory for the anti-gun crowd. Ridiculous.




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