Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Surfing The Wave Between Asleep And Awake.

Hi Everyone,

Longish post ahead.

I just wanted to put a post up to share something I've found very helpful in getting LD's.

How I get Lucid is from MILD/WILD, I'll use a MILD mantra with WBTB but sometimes slip into a WILD whilst doing it.
After WBTB I'll lay on my back (very important as if I lay or turn on my side I can't guarantee a Lucid and rarely get them!) and repeat with conviction "I'll remember the next time I'm Dreaming", I'll clear my mind the best I can apart from repeating that mantra, then repeat it less and less as I drift off.

Now with WBTB a lot of people say you don't need or really want to be wide awake.
Whilst it's true you can WILD or MILD without being wide awake and some people might find it better that way as we're all different, what I've found is that getting wide awake is very beneficial for LDing!

I don't mean you have to do Algebra or something to get really wired, all I used to do is get up, have a cup of tea (I'm English) and stay up for about half hour or so, (I don't really need to do it now but at first it was vital if I wanted to all but guarantee a Lucid).

When you go back to bed, lay on your back!
If you naturally lay on your back to sleep then you could try turning on your side, but I'm not sure if it's the different sleeping position you're used to, or if it's just something about being on your back that makes a difference.
For me though that small act of lying on my back is night and day, I can't emphasise that enough!

What happens to me is after a little time repeating the mantra I'll drift off and then come back round again, 10 minutes or so have past and usually unless I'm lucky I won't have had a Dream.
I'll then know and think to myself "I haven't hit a REM period yet".
I'll then move position slightly if I'm uncomfortable but remain on my back, use my mantra again and very quickly drift back off.
I'll do this normally only once or twice before hitting a REM period and I suppose it's a bit like I'm surfing a wave between being asleep and awake.

If I hadn't woken myself up enough for WBTB I'd fall back to sleep way to easily, falling into a much to deep of a sleep and wouldn't be able to get into this surfing state.
If I wasn't awake enough once I drifted off the first time, I wouldn't wake again around 10 minutes later and by the time I hit REM (unless of course I was lucky and bang on it) 20, 30, maybe 40 minutes to an hour could have past before I hit REM and the chances of remembering the MILD intent would be slim.

By being wide awake after WBTB, lying on my back and getting in this very light sleeping state, at most it will be around only 10 minutes between your MILD intent and REM, making it much more likely you will become Lucid as the intent is much more fresh.

This is what then usually happens when I do hit a REM period.
I'll see a vivid scene but won't be part of it, more like I'm watching it.
I'll look at my hands but again it's not not like I'm in my body yet, I'll then try to move them a little.
After a very short time I'll try to reach out with them, grab/touch something or clap them together, I'll then sort of click into my Lucid body and the scene will snap into 3D all around me and I'm in!

This works perfectly for me and over time it gets even easier to do.
At first you may find it takes a long time to fall back to sleep but it will get quicker, don't get frustrated if it's hard drifting back off at first!
Sometimes you can lie there for a while and feel wide awake, feeling as if it's going to take ages to fall to sleep but you're actually only seconds away from entering a LD.

If you read all this then I hope it helps.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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