Tuesday, July 28, 2015

From the Desk of John ROurke – July 29th, 2015

It is pretty rare that I do something like this. In fact – I don’t think I ever have. There is a women who I am friends with on Facebook who is going through a pretty horrible set of circumstances. Her name is Erika. Her desperation has piled up to the point that she is asking for help. She has just started a GoFundMe page.

Here is the deal:

Okay so back in April I was hospitalized for Sugar toxicity, my blood sugar was 750, after 6 days on an insulin drip I was released. I now have to use 2 types of insulin and pills, my sugar it’s always high and this has caused nerve damage on my feet and hands… it’s like walking on hot needles. My nursing license expired on June 26th and that was the last day I worked, come to find out the state Board of nursing lost my renewal application, I re sent it but it will take 7 weeks. I don’t have the money to buy my meds, been looking for a job but they won’t hire me without my lic and non medical places say that I’m “over qualified” or that I’ll quit as soon as I get my nursing license back. I have a child to feed and I guess the most logical thing will be to sell my car but it’s all I have and how would I get to work (when I get one) so here I am…. asking for help in my darkest time. I’m all my son has.
My meds are 298 for 30 pills for one prescription and 436 for the other one, I’m trying to get 2 months worth of so that I can get out there and get a job without crying with every step.
thank you for the help, anything will be a blessing.

I have followed Erika for quite some time and will tell you we do not agree politically on all things but she is a good person and a vet.

If you can afford to help – visit her Go Fund Me page here: http://ift.tt/1OAvHr7

If you cannot afford anything please just say a prayer for her.

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This nuclear deal with Iran is more messed up than a soup sandwich. It is now being reported that Iran is demanding that the soil samples used to keep them in line be taken by them. Yes. you read that right. They want to take and provide the samples themselves to give to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Insanity.

This is the level of competence our government is presenting today.

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Idiots: Los Angeles City Council voted yesterday to ban “high capacity” magazines. Apparently they believe that this will somehow reduce crime and eliminate the chance of gun violence.

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via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1VMmwcG

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