Sunday, July 19, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 20th, 2015

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine went well. Organized my garage some, test fired an AR pistol I recently built, and did some good food prep for the rest of this week.

“Food prep” in case you are unfamiliar is preparing food for the entire week and freezing it until needed. Helps efforts in eating healthy and staying on course. My diet has sucked recently and need to get back on course.

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I was recently asked in person by a “newbie” to the prepping world what she needed to work on first. She was wanting a checklist to follow. That is a tall order as circumstances often dictate preparedness efforts. My initial answer? Food and water to start with. I will be in contact with her again and will elaborate further.

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I just received an Alocs Alcohol Stove from Took a couple weeks to receive it but it is great.  Right now it is on sale for $13.99 with Free Shipping  – just use coupon code: AHQSCM.


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Hope everyone has a great week.




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