Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | (Part 2/2) HeLp please! I think I have one foot in the door of lucidity, but, one foot that's not.

Hey, guys. So, this is the second half of my thread.

Here is the link to the first part of this thread:
(Part 1/2) HeLp please! I think I have one foot in the door of lucidity, but, one foot that's not.

This morning, I had 3 False Awakenings in a row. And in 2 of them, I feel like I was or should have been lucid. But, I have no idea what I did wrong or what went wrong. Here are the dreams(False Awakenings):

1st False Awakening:
-I'm in my room sitting upright towards the head of my bed. I turn my head to my right and look outside of the window above my heater. I think I'm just trying to see if everything looks OK. I decide that it does and then calmly look back. Then, I do a double take and when I look outside the second time, I noticed that the ground is actually and ocean that is kind of green. I say to myself, "HA!! This is a dream!" I then, perform the palm reality check. But, my palm doesn't go through and I feel the surface of my right hand. I even have five fingers. My hand looks just fine. So, now, I figure that me seeing the ocean outside of my window was just a result of me having too many eye floaters. Then, I look outside again and see people playing in a clear pool with my window on one of the pool's walls. And now I feel like my room, which is originally on the second floor, is now moved down to the first floor. I justify the pool by saying that,"Those are just people from the YMCA. But, I will do a reality check anyway." I do the same palm push with my thumb and the RC says that it's real. I say to myself, "Hmm. What's another reality check? Oh! What's 5x4? 20. Well, I guess this is real." When I look back in my room, I find that my room is now a whole lot larger and that I'm in a huge, square pool and two people from my church are in it; J and P. P is in the left corner and Jay is in the middle of the left side. He gets up and is wearing a black bikini and says she has to go to work. (Dream done)

-2nd False Awakening:
I am in my regular room and DJ, JJ, and Des are in my room. Des has brown, straight hair that ends at the end of her neck and curves at the end. I am telling them, "I just had a False Awakening. P and J were in some pool in my room. Like, 'Why is P there?'" The three of them are laughing and exiting my room while I am still sitting in my bed. They all leave the room and I still hear them laughing. Then, I see Des poke her head leaning sideways from behind my wall and still laughing. She now has really long, black, wavy hair. But, I think nothing of it. (Dream done)

-3rd False Awakening:
I look outside of my window and see the red house fall to the and on top of another house as if there is and earthquake only in that region. I see the bricks crumble on top of each other and hear a man screaming in agonizing pain. I am surprised and say,"Oh my gosh! That's so horrible! This HAS to be a dream!" Then, I start thinking to myself,"What if that earthquake had extended a little further and reached MY house? What about my cousins' house, which is so close? What would they have thought if my house had crumbled like that?" (Dream done)

I'm very proud of myself for finally performing a reality check, in fact two reality checks in my dream. But, I still had no luck. And in the 3rd dream, I had just been aware that it was a dream but, didn't think to do anything. Do you guys have any suggestions/tips/advice on what I should do to fully experience lucidity? Your anwers would be greatly appreciated. Please and thank you!


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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