Tuesday, July 7, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 8th, 2015

I guess the times are getting to me or maybe I am “waking up” more. My opinions on this world, this country and the people in it and running it are degrading over time. They are getting darker. I believe in the greatness this country once held and the many Patriots that live here. What I once brushed aside as conspiratory I now look at as possible and sometimes very likely.

The ignorant and the evil is what really gets to me. All I have to do is take a trip to my local grocery store to see the ignorant dregs of society. Lines of the entitled buying groceries with my money and your money and often with the belief it is THEIR money.

After that I see people who actually are blaming Republicans for the death of the women killed by the 5 time deported man in California. The facts are that BOTH parties are responsible for the lack of border security.

Did you know the United States gave $440 million dollars to Russia in 2014? How about $447 million to Palestinian territories? What about over 1 billion dollars to Pakistan that allowed Bin Laden to hold up for years?

Meanwhile the VA struggles to provide the proper care to our soldiers and many in the military purchase their own body armor and optics.

Aaaarrrggghhhhh!! There is a reset coming. When? That is the big question.

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“The absence of a police state is that people are free, and if you don’t commit crimes you can do what you want. But today, you can’t open up a business, you can’t develop land, you can’t go to the bank, you can’t go to the doctor without the government knowing what you’re doing. They talk about medical privacy, that’s gone. Financial privacy, that’s gone. The right to own property, that’s essentially gone. So you have to get permission from the government for almost everything. And if that is the definition of a police state, that you can’t do anything unless the government gives you permission, we’re well on our way.  – – – Ron Paul”
Mark Goodwin, The Days of Noah: Book One: Conspiracy

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Working out yesterday I had a terrible muscle spasm in my back. Very debilitating. Getting better. Went to Crossfit and did on some trigger point work to get the muscle to relax. Hopefully I can avoid having to get another trigger point injection.

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Halfway through the week. Hope everyone is doing well.




via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1LVIUgm

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